Childhood Type 1 is a life sentence.
But together, we can make a world of difference.
Let’s take this journey together.
There was that singular, slow-motion moment when I stepped out of the hospital for the first time holding the hand of my type one child, having found out he had diabetes.
My son, was diagnosed when he was just 9 years old, continues to prosper in so many ways. He is a survivor. Me? I am a Type 1 Mom on a mission to:
Create awareness
Educate others
Provide support
Raise funds
Connect local families and care givers

Nancy Gaudet, Founder of Type One Families
What we do.
Type One Families mission to support caregivers of Type One Diabetic children, and those living with the challenges of Type One Diabetes. Type One Families was created because I felt so alone in my journey with no support back when my son was newly diagnosed with Type One Diabetes. By offering practical assistance and emotional support, our organization plays a pivotal role in alleviating the challenges faced by these families throughout Massachusetts. Through educational resources, local support groups, and community events, we provide caregivers with the tools and knowledge they need to navigate the complexities of managing their child’s Type One diabetes. Our in person meetings foster a sense of solidarity among caregivers, reminding them that they are not alone in their journey. By extending a compassionate hand and a listening ear, our non-profit helps families facing Type One Diabetes find comfort, guidance, and hope in the face of adversity.
Providing Support.

A Special Thanks to Our Partners

Grace Hill is an organization based out of Texas that provides on line training to the Real Estate and Property Management Industry. Every year they run a national award campaign called Impact Hero, which recognizes heroes making a difference in the industry and in their local community.
Nancy was chosen as a 2024 Impact Hero! To read more about the award and this Mom on a Mission, click here >

Providing Support
“Two weeks after my daughter was diagnosed I attended the Type One Families support group. I showed up with tears in my eyes and a long list of questions and concerns. In the 5 1/2 years I have learned so much from the group. All the other Moms understand me and my child’s diabetic life. I would be completely lost without them. All Type One Diabetic parents and caregivers need what we have on the South Shore.
I plan on attending the meetings forever.”
– Stacy, T1D Mom, South Shore